DOT Drug Testing Guidance during COVID-19 For DOT Regulated Employers

“DOT is committed to maintaining public safety while providing maximum flexibility to allow Transportation industries to conduct their operations safely and efficiently during this period of national emergency.”

For DOT-Regulated Employers (DOT guidance for March 23, 2020)

  1. You must still comply with applicable training and testing requirements. DOT recognizes that resources for testing may be unavailable in certain areas. If fixed sites are not available, consider mobile.
  2. If closures, State mandates or other impediments exist, you must document why a test was not completed. Follow up testing must be performed.
  3. If testing resources are unavailable, underlying regulations still apply. Without a negative pre-employment drug test an employer may not permit prospective employees to perform DOT safety-sensitive functions.
  4. The employee is not able to get tested due to COVID-19 restrictions, the employer is obligated to document the reasons and decide if a refusal exists.

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DOT Drug Testing Guidance during COVID-19 For DOT Regulated Employers was last modified: April 21st, 2020 by Boon Data